Friday 28 June 2013

Latest Clothes Haul - H&M

If any of you are dedicated online shoppers like myself, then I'm sure you will have seen the recent sales that are literally, EVERYWHERE! Knowing this I took my little self of to the H&M website and had a peruse. Now I love H&M but when there is a sale on, it is literally like Primark, having to literally raid every rail and find nothing. Online however, is a whole different ball game. There is SOOO MUCH choice. And the bargains are so ridiculous I had to hold myself back far too many times! However, I did make these few purchases. (Please note, I AM STILL WAITING FOR THESE ITEMS 10 DAYS LATER H&M!!!!!) So I will let you know how they fit/have an outfit of the day post when I finally get them. Growl.
Not a great image and you can't see detailing all that great on the picture but rest assured, when they arrive, a closer look you will get!

In all honesty, I have not been that wowed by the service of H&M. However easy the process is, the delivery is shocking. It took them 4 days to process my order and I'm still waiting 6 days later for my items. I just want to wear them already. Two items that I also ordered with them are not arriving til August. Now its good that they have it on record that I want them and that they're going to send them to me. But it's a bit of a joke to be waiting a whole 6 weeks or so until I can get them. Just say they're out of stock H&M!!! Don't get my hopes up just to see them get dashed at the delivery date. 

I can't wait to get my package but if you are in need of an outfit for the weekend, I would reccommend going instore rather than ordering online. Soooo long!! 

Have you ever experienced any problems with H&M? Let me know in the comments section!

Ciao x

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE H&M, I don't care how long I have to wait, its worth it. I also love that they can do payment slip in parcel, I can buy loads and pay on payday! :-)

