Sunday 23 June 2013

Fitness - Jodie Marsh SEMTEX

Okay, so I'm not the slimmest of girls, I do need/want to loose around 1 and a half stone (that's just for my own personal goal). So, I took up jogging. I know, of all people, me! I can not run to save my life so I had no idea what I was thinking when I went out and purchased my 'running gear'. I thought, if I brought these clothes, my motivation and determination would increase. You know, right tools for the job kinda thing. This lasted all of two sessions. I am currently getting ready to go for my third jog. And what am I doing? Writing my blog. All to stop myself from going. But! Fear not. I will get my sorry ass out the door. As they say, the only session you regret is the one you didn't do! I'm such a physicist. Not sure if that's the right word at all. 

I have taken to running in Gunnersbury Park which is directly opposite my house (Hooow convenient, I don't have to trek round half of London to get to my nearest gym now :) It's a bit windy today so it doesn't look too great....

And this is me after my jog.

If I'm to go on holiday with 4 STICK THIN girls, then my motivation must increase (love food far too much though). Also... how about this for motivation...
Bleurgh, why is she so hot?
Also being powered along with a little help of these...

I am a power machine. These give me so much energy it's actually ridiculous. Still doesn't mean I can run round the whole park without stopping though :(. I had seen these soooo many times on Twitter with success stories. These are called SEMTEX. They claim to;

 support your exercise and workout routines, this perfectly balanced formula will deliver unrivalled results. If used as part of a balanced diet JST Jodie Semtex will support your efforts to achieve your ultimate sporting and workout goals giving you that desired edge
Basically, their a fat burner. And a good one at that. You take 2 capsules half an hour before your workout and on non workout days (fare few for me) you take 2 in the day but 4-6 hours apart. I have taken these before and saw a good result, but I got lazy again, and with the love of food, put back on weight (due to not exercising).  So, I'm back on them a determined to have a beach body for my holiday! ....Best get running...

Ciao x

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